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Finding trail and ultrarunning hidden gems in plain sight - Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

Yukon, Canada - Discover the unexpected beauty of the Miles Canyon and Yukon River Loop trails in Whitehorse, Canada. Nestled just minutes from downtown, these trails offer a unique blend of challenging terrains, emerald waters, and breathtaking canyon views. Whether you're a seasoned ultrarunner or just looking for a picturesque route, don't overlook the gems that lie right outside your door. Explore Whitehorse's hidden trails and immerse yourself in Canada's pristine wilderness.

Finding trail and ultrarunning treasures instead of gold - Dawson City, Yukon, Canada

Yukon, Canada - Experience a trail running journey through Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, home to the picturesque Grizzly Lake Trail in Tombstone Territorial Park. Navigate the rugged terrain on its many trails, experience firsthand the gold rush history, and revel in breathtaking views throughout each run. Discover how Dawson City offers a unique blend of historical intrigue and trail and ultrarunning adventure.