
Welcome to my blog. I hope you get some inspiration to run somewhere new from my log of Ultra Running Destinations. These are all places I’ve visited, so can personally recommend them for an ultra adventure. Hope you have a nice stay!

An ultrarunning training weekend in Stockholm - Stockholm, Sweden

An ultrarunning training weekend in Stockholm - Stockholm, Sweden

When looking for a place to either train for, or run an ultramarathon, there is a great track just 6 miles (10km) from central Stockholm in the town of Ursvik, Sweden. This track, the Ursvik Extreme Trail, is the home of the Ursvik Ultra, but you can run it on your own whenever you wish. The Ursvik Ultra has over a 20 year history, and offers a variety of course lengths, including a 75km distance. 

If traveling from out of town, a great way to experience the Ursvik Extreme Trail is by staying at the Stallmästaregården Hotel. This hotel is located right within Hagaparken, which is one of my favorite places to run in Stockholm. There are plenty of trails, and also a large lake that you can run around. On the weekend I was there, the trails were made up of packed snow and still very runnable.

During my stay, I had two training runs. The first run was a 10km run around the lake with a mix of trails and road. Because of the conditions, I stayed on the plowed paved paths on the east side of the lake, but there is also a trail that hugs the shore of the lake that is great in the summer. This is a really nice run from the hotel because you can just walk out the front door and start running.

The second run was to experience the Ursvik Extreme Trail. I started this run with an Uber ride to a parking lot just south of the park since I wanted to get in around 12 miles (20km). On this weekend, the temperature was in the high teens Fahrenheit, -8ish celsius, so I was being mindful of how long I wanted to be out. The trail itself is beautiful, with trails criss-crossing all over the park with a variety of terrain and plenty of rolling hills. There were lots of people out, from hikers to mountain bikers, and also cross-country skiers. I can see why the trail is called extreme, because you can climb nearly 1000 feet (300m) by covering the entire 15km.

If staying in Stockholm, or if you live nearby, I highly recommend the Ursvik Extreme Trail as an ultrarunning destination. The trail is just one example of the great running options in Stockholm. If you have a chance to stay at the Stallmästaregården Hotel, also billed as Stockholm’s very first inn, where Swedish dishes are served amid elegant 1700s decor, you can stay in style, but also be just steps away from great trail running in Hagaparken.


Ursik to Hagaparken to Stallmästaregården Hotel

Start: Ursvik Extreme Trail
End: Stallmästaregården Hotel
Distance: 12 miles (20km)

Hagaparken Lake Run

Start and Finish: Stallmästaregården Hotel
Distance: 6 miles (10km)


How to train for an ultramarathon

How to train for an ultramarathon

Dulles Airport layover run - Dulles, Virginia

Dulles Airport layover run - Dulles, Virginia